When local “Adventure” Photographer Don Toothaker needed a website to showcase his work, he hit us up.
Don is not just famous for his photography, but for the passion with which he writes about photography, people and adventure – you can’t help but get drawn into his story – he is SUCH an eloquent writer. And by the way, one of the most awesome people I know!
Despite trying my darnedest to get him to blog on his website and post that to the world, he has taken quite a shine to Instagram – the platform IS super easy to use and it’s easier to get followers – especially when you are posting images as great as Don’s. So, we relented and built his instagram into his website. Now he doesn’t have to blog, but his website is automatically updated with the imagery and content he posts on his instagram feed so it looks current all the time.
If you are looking for a website that works with the way YOU work, let us know. We can help!
If you are looking for a photographic adventure with lessons from one of the best, hit Don up! You can find him at Hunts Photo and Video at dtoothaker@huntsphoto.com.